I have a fairly large code but the only thing that fails is pasting of something I copied the row before.
Dim WB_start As Workbook
Set WB_start = ThisWorkbook
Dim WB_active As Workbook
Dim WSS As Worksheet
Set WSS = WB_active.Worksheets("Samenvatting")
MsgBox (WB_start.Name & " - " & WB_start.Worksheets(1).Name)
WB_start.Worksheets(1).Range(WB_start.Worksheets(1).Cells(8, 9), _
WB_start.Worksheets(1).Cells(13, 12)).Copy
MsgBox (WB_active.Name & " - " & WSS.Name)
WSS.Range(WSS.Cells(8, 9)).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
The last row here gives me the infamous 1004 error. "Method Range of Object Worksheet failed" . I know that usually means that something isn't propperly qualified, but I am at a loss what that could be. I've inserted messageboxes, and they show the expected workbook and worksheet names.
Change your line:
WSS.Range(WSS.Cells(8, 9)).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
WSS.Cells(8, 9).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas