Java Code Contains the following:
public List<Country> initializeCountries() {
List <Country> countries = countryService.findAllCountrys();
return countries;
I have populated country successfully using the following code:
<form:select path="country" id="country">
<form:option value="">Select Country</form:option>
<form:options items="${countries}" itemValue="countryCode" itemLabel
= "countryName" />
<form:errors path="country" cssClass="error"/>
I have the following code which fetches states based on countryCode:
List <State> states = countryService.findAllStatesOfCountry(countryCode);
How should I write the java code and jsp code to populate the state dropdown list based on the selection of country. Is there any other way without using Ajax/javascript in spring annotation? Trying to find this option.
If not kindly mention the full details since I tried my level best with Ajax. I am new to Ajax and hence please share maven dependencies, js and css files to be loaded into the jsp file.
It can be achieved without using ajax(although using ajax/javascript is preferred here).
<script language="javascript">
function getStates(selectedCountry)
<form:select path="country" id="country">
<form:option value="">Select Country</form:option>
<form:options items="${countries}" itemValue="countryCode" itemLabel
= "countryName" onchange="javascript:getStates(this.value)"/>
<form:select path="state" id="state">
<form:option value="">Select State</form:option>
<c:if test="${not empty states}" >
<form:options items="${states}" itemValue="stateCode" itemLabel
= "stateName"/>
attribute is added to javascript function call. It will
take the selected country value and pass it to a controller with a
request parameter as country
. So, on changing the country, a server call will be made to fetch the states for the given country and the page will be refreshed. c:if
so that state drop down is populated only when the attribute states
is present
in the request.On the controller side, you will have write something as follows
public ModelAndView getStates(@RequestParam("country")String countryCode){
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("yourCurrentView");
List<States> states = stateService.findAllStatesOfCountry(countryCode);
//to make sure countries drop down also has data