I would like to know how to determine the time complexity for the following code, using top-down dynamic programming approach with memoization (note that i, k, d can be any integer value):
solve(i, k, d) {
if (k >= d) {
A[i][k] = 0;
return 0;
if (i == 0) {
A[i][k] = 0;
return 0;
if (A[i][k] == null) {
for (int j = 0; j < k + 1; j++) {
A[i][k] = solve(i - 1, (k + 1 - j), d);
return A[i][k];
Issue :
solve(i - 1, (k + 1 - j), d)
will give out of bound error when j = 0 as A
index should go from 0 to K [K being largest index]
ANSWER : The function will give O(n * n) complexity.
Intuition :
(it is clear that the worst case is the one where there are no solutions, so I focus on that)
Since the recursive call is made before putting values in the memoization-cache, the last (shortest) suffixes will get cached first. This is because the function is first called with a array of length N, which then calls itself with a array of length N-1, which then .... , with a array of len 0, which is cached and returns, then the array of length 1 is cached and returns, ..., length N is cached and returns.
Explanation :
Assuming size of matrix I x K and Considering worst case,
[Note] In worst case, Function call will start from right bottom of matrix
initialization happens in two cases :
k >= d
i == 0
[Note] In worst case, k
is always less that d
For loop for `(I, K)`
- Recursion call `for (i-1, k:[K to 0])`
- Update value for `A[i, k]`
[Note] i = 0 is base case when function initializes A
and returns 0.