I have a function A which performs some processing
check if error saveStatus(failure)
if not then saveStatus(Success)
I want to add a timeout for the above function, so that if it has written status then it should be timed out else if success/failure none is written to DB further action can be taken.
Is there any way I can know that function A processing saveStatus() and cancel the timeout at the same instant?
Yes, you can use this:
function PromiseTimeout(promise, ms) {
let timeout;
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_, reject) => {
timeout = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('timeout')), ms)
]).then(x => { clearTimeout(timeout); return x });
This snippet is extracted from open source code I've written time ago.
So, if you have a promise that you want to timeout, you can use it like this:
PromiseTimeout(A(), 1000) // 1 sec timeout
.then(() => everything ok and not timeout)
.catch((err) => maybe error maybe timeout)