I'm working with AWS DynamoStream which his API is based on the AWS KCL.
In cases I received records which I failed to process and I want those records to be available later to allow reprocessing of them. For instance I'm trying to save them to a remote DB and I experience network issues sometime.
My questions are:
?KCL does not provide this sort of built-in redrive mechanism - once processRecords returns (whether it threw an exception or returned successfully), it considers those records as processed and moves on, even if internally it failed.
If you want to reprocess some records at a later point, you need to capture those records and store them somewhere else for reprocessing attempt later (with the obvious caveat that they won't be processed in order from the rest of the stream).
The simplest solution for this is to have your record processor logic identify the failed records (before returning to KCL) and send them to an SQS queue. Then, the records aren't lost, and they're available for processing at your leisure (or by another process consuming the SQS queue, possibly with a DLQ mechanism for handling repeated failures / give-up scenarios).
To answer your specific questions: