How to Rename key of preciseDiff
Function in moment-timezone
var duration = momentz.preciseDiff(0, 1528791845);
1 year 8 hours 17 minutes 6 seconds
I will want to translate year, month and ... to another language.
year año
month mes
day día
hour hora
minute minuto
second segundo
I would imagine you would have to replace it manually. Maybe another function?
const es = {
year: 'año',
years: 'años',
month: 'mes',
day: 'día',
hour: 'hora',
hours: 'horas',
minute: 'minuto',
minutes: 'minutos',
second: 'segundo',
seconds: 'segundos'
const translateWords = (dictionary, string) => string
.split(' ')
.join(' ');
const esString = translateWords(es, "1 year 8 hours 17 minutes 6 seconds");
console.log(esString); // 1 año 8 horas 17 minutos 6 segundos