It seems to be a simple parameter I'm missing but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what it is.
This is the request I'm sending with '@sendgrid/mail':
const sgMail = require('@sendgrid/mail');
function emailRequest() {
msg = {
to: '
from: '',
subject: 'Receipt for Business Expenses',
template_id: 'db6d11ae-41e4-4e1a-a71b-f5368eb21c9c',
personalizations: [
to: ',
from: ',
subject: 'Receipt for Business Expenses,
template_id: 'db6d11ae-41e4-4e1a-a71b-f5368eb21c9c',
substitutions: {
':firstname': 'Bobba',
':ordernumber': 'WHAAA',
':orderdate': 'today',
':ordertime': 'NOW!',
custom_args: {
':firstname': 'Bobba',
':ordernumber': 'WHAAA',
':orderdate': 'today',
':ordertime': 'NOW!',
sub: {
':firstname': 'Bobba',
':ordernumber': 'WHAAA',
':orderdate': 'today',
':ordertime': 'NOW!',
substitutions: {
':firstname': 'Bobba',
':ordernumber': 'WHAAA',
':orderdate': 'today',
':ordertime': 'NOW!',
return sgMail
.then(response => {
return response;
.catch(err => {
throw err;
The email sends, but I'm still getting unsubstituted templates:
The source code for sendgrid-nodejs mail.js seems to say that as long as there is 'substitutions', it will initialize the mailing class with those substitutions but it's not working:
How do you properly substitute variables into templates? Am I using the wrong package?
After a bit more digging, I found the answer in the issues section of their github. I was missing 'substitutionWrappers'. To get it working, all I had to do was add 'substitutionWrappers' to the message along with 'substitutions':
const msg = {
to: ''
from: '',
subject: 'Receipt for Business Expenses',
template_id: 'da6db3ae-41e4-4e1a-a71b-f5368ab41c9c',
substitutionWrappers: [':', ''],
substitutions: {
firstname: 'Bobba',
ordernumber: 'WHAAA',
orderdate: 'today',
ordertime: 'NOW!',