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Is it possible to normalizr string?

I am using normalizr. I try to normalize string, but I didn’t figure out.

const mails = [
    "id": "mailId1",
    "conversationId": "conversationId1",
    "content": "Hi",
    "sender": {
      "emailAddress": { name: 'Jack', address: '' }
    "id": "mailId2",
    "conversationId": "conversationId1",
    "content": "Hello",
    "sender": {
      "emailAddress": { name: 'Rose', address: '' }

const userSchema = new schema.Entity('users', {}, {
  idAttribute: value => value.emailAddress.address
const conversationIdSchema = new schema.Entity('conversationIds', {}, {
  idAttribute: value => value
const mailSchema = new schema.Entity('mails', {
  conversationId: conversationIdSchema,
  sender: userSchema

const normalizedData = normalize(mails, [mailSchema]);

Right now the code above will give me the results below:

(note conversationIdSchema is not working because it is wrong)

  result: { mails: ['mailId1', 'mailId2'] },
  entities: {
    users: {
      '': { name: 'Jack', address: '' }
      '': { name: 'Rose', address: '' }
    mails: {
      // ...

I hope to have conversationIds like this:

  result: { mails: ['mailId1', 'mailId2'] },
  entities: {
    users: {
      '': { name: 'Jack', address: '' }
      '': { name: 'Rose', address: '' }
    mails: {
      // ...
    conversationIds: ['conversationId1']


  • No, this is not possible. Normalizr works on objects, not strings.