I am using ui-router for routing in my angularjs app and ui-bootstrap for UI.In my app on entering a state i am opening a uibmodal which basically returns a uibmodalinstance but when i change a state using
Inside my controller it is changing the state but didn't closing modal. So i want modal to be closed on exiting the state. i Have written following code but some part of code doesn't work. please see coding and the comments for not working part
parent: 'dashboard',
url: '/makeabid/{id}',
data: {
authorities: ['ROLE_USER'],
pageTitle: 'global.menu.makeabid'
onEnter: ['$stateParams', '$state', '$uibModal', function($stateParams, $state, $uibModal) {
templateUrl: 'app/dashboard/makeabid/makeabid.html',
controller: 'MakeabidController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
backdrop: true,
size: 'lg'
}).result.then(function () {
//this part doesnt work
,onExit:['$uibModalInstance','$stateParams', '$state',function ($uibModalInstance,$stateParams, $state) {
My Controller Coding is as follows : -
MakeabidController.$inject = ['$stateParams','$state','$uibModalInstance','MakeabidService'];
function MakeabidController( $stateParams, $state, $uibModalInstance, MakeabidService) {
var vm = this;
vm.clear = clear;
vm.save = save;
function clear () {
function save() {
// console.log(vm.comparableData);
function loadAll() {
vm.comparableData = MakeabidService.getobject();
//$uibModalInstance.close(); //It doesn't work
$state.go('dashboard'); //This is working
AnyOne Please Tell me solution for closing the uibmodal on changing state
You can tap into to some of the $stateProvider
I do something similar in one of my apps (in coffeescript, but you get the idea)
@$scope.$on '$stateChangeStart', (e, to, top, from, fromp) =>
Basically, in your controller that handles the modal, you will watch for the $stateChangeStart
event, and when you catch it, you can close the modal.
See https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki, specifically the section on State Change Events
I just noticed that these calls are deprecated. If you are using UI-Router > 1.0
, there is some documentation here on how to migrate: https://ui-router.github.io/guide/ng1/migrate-to-1_0#state-change-events