Search code examples

Walmart search API only show 10 results

I am trying to use Walmart open Search API to display a list of products from Walmart. If the user type in the thing they want, due to the API limitation

Item results returned by the API are paginated, with upto 25 items displayed per page (using the numItems parameter). It is possible to request more by using the "start" parameter that specifies the first item number in the response. Pagination is limited to the top 1000 items for a particular search

And this is their json:

query: "ipod",
sort: "relevance",
format: "json",
responseGroup: "base",
totalResults: 3570,
start: 1,
numItems: 10,
items: [
itemId: 15076191,
parentItemId: 15076191,
name: "Apple iPod Touch 4th Generation 32GB with Bonus Accessory Kit",
salePrice: 189,}}

I don't know how to start the displayed results from the start point 10 in IOS for tableView display? Can anybody help?


  • I believe you can simply add "&start=10" to your query string, which would give you the results starting at the 10th item.