I do the first part but the playeri can't use in the second part because I forget to create an array to store it:
Player[] player = new Player[11];//solution add a array to store the player
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) {
boolean finishplayeri = false;
Player playeri = new Player("player"+i); //if you don't create a array to store your player
player[i] = playeri;
second part:
for(int i=1;i<=noofplayer;i++) {
player[i].addCard(theDeck.NextCard()); // in here your player[i] will be error
Question: CAN't use the Object. Reason: haven't had a place to store your player. method: create an array to store my player.
You have to put your Players in container to handle it. You don`t store your players anywhere.