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Cloudera Spark2 Installation

I'm trying to install Spark2 in my cloudera cluster (evaluation version) following the cloudera's instructions to install this component. I downloaded the CSD, installed it and using the parcel downloaded the component, distribute it but when I try to activate it I'm having this message:

CDH (5.8 and higher) parcel required for SPARK2 (2.2.0.cloudera1-1.cdh5.12.0.p0.142354) is not available.

This is the information of the cluster:

Version: Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub Edition Trial 5.12.1 (#6 built by jenkins on 20170818-0807 git: 9bdee611802535491d400e03c98ef694a2c77d0a)

Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

Java VM Vendor: Oracle Corporation

Java Version: 1.7.0_67




I'm thinking it could be because my CDH version (5.12.1) and the version of the last spark2 parcel (cdh5.12.0) but I don't find any other package for cdh5.12.1 and my next question is: for cdh5.13.0 which is the spark2 parcel?


  • Finally solved. The problem was that I need to update de cdh core, after update, spark 2 just works fine.