I am trying to use my own data in a nvD3 stacked area chart. The sample data format from the Angular nvD3 site has a format like this:
"key":"Series 1",
"key":"Series 2",
I have data coming from my database in this format:
I am trying to graph from my data, three series (Series 1: Flt_Cnt, Series 2: Num_Cars, Series 3: Num_Employees). For each series, the X axis value being the active_month date, and the Y axis value being the series value.
How can I either A) convert my data to look like the sample data easily, or B) use my data as is in the AngularJs nvd3 chart? I feel a .forEach on the array would not be efficient for larger data sets, and not as easy to read. I tried to use d3.nest in some way, but haven't been able to get a correct format. Thanks for your help!
It's not elegant, but I brute forced a way to my solution. If there are any better solutions, please do let me know.
var Loc_Cnt = [];
var Num_Cars = [];
var Num_Employees = [];
var obj = {};
//arr is the array of values in my format
arr.forEach(function (element) {
//need the date in milisecond format
var date = new Date(element.active_month);
var time = date.getTime();
//load corresponding arrays
Loc_Cnt.push([time, element.Loc_Cnt]);
Num_Cars.push([time, element.Num_Cars]);
Num_Employees.push([time, element.Num_Employees]);
//load each key/values pair into new object
obj["Loc_Cnt"] = Loc_Cnt;
obj["Num_Cars"] = Num_Cars;
obj["Num_Employees"] = Num_Employees;
//d3.entries creates an object of key/VALUEs
arrRollup = d3.entries(obj);
//change the key word values to value
var i;
for (i = 0; i < arrRollup.length; i++) {
arrRollup[i].values = arrRollup[i]['value'];
delete arrRollup[i].value;