I'm trying to manage contact objects with a C# application.
I'm loading the contacts with BindToItems:
ServiceResponseCollection<GetItemResponse> responses = service.BindToItems(itemIds, PropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
foreach (var responseItem in responses)
contactDict.Add(responseItem.Item.Id, (Contact)responseItem.Item);
Then I try to check if the contact has changed by comparing its properties with my stored values.
return exchangeContact.Surname != user.Surname
|| exchangeContact.CompanyName != user.Company
|| (!exchangeContact.HasPicture && user.ThumbnailPhoto != null)
But when I try to access the HasPicture property, an exception is thrown.
ServiceObjectPropertyException: This property was requested, but it wasn't returned by the server.
Checking in the debugger, this exception is also thrown for other properties of the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Contact
. Examples are:
Why can't I access those properties? Are they not included in the FirstClassProperties? But this article says that HasImage is a FirstClassProperty of Contact objects.
Following on from BastianW comment, you can check if the account has a picture by using the Contact.TryGetProperty
bool HasPicture;
exchangeContact.TryGetProperty(ContactSchema.HasPicture, out HasPicture);