My aMRecon
array is 2500 rows x 65 columns. I need to evaluate up to 10+ columns within each single row and thus I believe I need to create an object representing each row. I have created a UDT
and in a basic procedure below I am trying to create an object for each row
with each object having an .EntityID
property (which is the cell value in each row within Column B
or Column 2
Public Type BreakInfo
EntityID As String
IssueName As String
ValDate As Date
LedgerAMT As Long
NetAMTL As Long
PriceDiff As Long
End Type
Sub Fill_Objects()
Dim aMrow As Integer, aMcol As Integer
Dim BI As BreakInfo
For aMcol = LBound(aMRecon, 2) To UBound(aMRecon, 2)
For aMrow = LBound(aMRecon, 1) To UBound(aMRecon, 1)
If aMcol = 2 Then
Debug.Print aMRecon(aMrow, aMcol)
Set ObjLSL = New Collection
BI.EntityID = aMRecon(aMrow, aMcol)
End If
Next aMrow
Next aMcol
End If
End Sub
Do I need to somehow create a collection of objects? Could someone please show me an example to help. As of right now I think I only have one object and the .EntityID
property keeps getting overwritten. Thank you
In Fact each row at will only have 1 property, basically each property is a Column Header. Am I going about this the most efficient way? Eventually I will need to evaluate each property within an object and categorize it.
Inserted a ClassModule entitle BreakInfo
'Public EntityID As String
Public EntityID As Variant
Public IssueName As String
Public ValDate As Date
Public LedgerAMT As Long
Public NetAMTL As Long
Public PriceDiff As Long
That's all that's in the class.
You need to first create (insert) a Class Module, name it BreakInfo, and give it Public members like this:
Option Explicit
Public EntityID As String
Public IssueName As String
Public ValDate As Date
Public LedgerAMT As Long
Public NetAMTL As Long
Public PriceDiff As Long
Then you can use something like this:
Sub Fill_Objects()
Dim aMrow As Integer, aMcol As Integer
Dim BI As BreakInfo
Dim ObjLSL As Collection
Dim key As Long
'Create the Collection instance.
Set ObjLSL = New Collection
For aMcol = LBound(aMRecon, 2) To UBound(aMRecon, 2)
For aMrow = LBound(aMRecon, 1) To UBound(aMRecon, 1)
If aMcol = 2 Then
'Instantiate a BreakInfo.
Set BI = New BreakInfo
BI.EntityID = aMRecon(aMrow, aMcol)
key = key + 1
ObjLSL.Add BI, CStr(key)
End If
Next aMrow
Next aMcol
End Sub
Notice that the collection is instantiated once, before the loops. A collection can't ingest variables of user-defined types, but it will gladly gobble up object instances.
The question has changed. If you worry about efficiency, you could hardcode aMcol = 2
and do without the outer For
and the If aMcol = 2
. Other than that, I don't understand what you're trying to do with your values.