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Using a graph-tool efficiently

After a long thought, I finally decided to post this question here. Few days back I started using graph-tool to do various things. I have been using Networkx before that. I have already seen the impressive performance comparision and thought that everything would be simple enough. However, I immediately ran into the speed issue and asked a question related to a particular aspect of it. I got a quick answer that satisfied me. However, now this speed issue is bugging me every now and then and I can't find any documentation about graph-tool that is related to efficiently using it. For example, from the answer to my last question, I came to realize that it is better to add all edges together instead of one by one which is a very important point to note but hasn't been mentioned anywhere! I am now having two more similar issues:

(1) How do I choose a random neighbour of a given node? I can only see the following solution:

nbr = np.random.choice(list(v.all_neighbours()))

since v.all_neighbours() is a generator, I must convert it into the list to choose a random element. This slows down the code but I don't see any better way.

(2) I want to assign a 1d vector (is list okay?) to each of the vertices in the graph and later I am exchanging and modifying them in a particular way. This is simply a property map and I would like to see some documentation about how to use this efficiently. However, I can't locate anything.

(3) I am trying to simulate a triadic closure in some network which itself is changing with time. Thus, at every time step, I need an information about the neighbours of each vertex in the graph. Again, I must create a list (or numpy array):

nbrs = [w for w in v.neighbours()]

which decreases the speed of my code substantially. This means that I am not doing this correctly but I couldn't find any documentation that would tell me how to use neighbours efficiently in graph-tool.

Somehow Networkx programs that I have written for same tasks have completely outperformed the graph-tool codes I simply can't buy this.

This list might increase and hence I would be very glad if somebody could point me to some documentation about using graph-tool efficiently apart from answering the above mentioned specific questions.

Thanks in advance.


  • You can access neighbours and vertices as arrays, which will speedup your code, as described in the documentation:

    For example, instead of doing:

    nbr = np.random.choice(list(v.out_neighbours()))

    you should do:

    nbr = np.random.choice(g.get_out_neighbours(v))

    which should be substantially faster, as arrays are used instead of lists.