I'm using the latest cassandra version and trying to save JSON like below and was successful,
INSERT INTO mytable JSON '{"username": "myname", "country": "mycountry", "userid": "1"}'
Above query saves the record like,
"rows": [
"[json]": "{\"userid\": \"1\", \"country\": \"india\", \"username\": \"sai\"}"
"rowLength": 1,
"columns": [
"name": "[json]",
"type": {
"code": 13,
"type": null
Now I would like to retrieve the record based on userid:
SELECT JSON * FROM mytable WHERE userid = fromJson("1") // but this query throws error
All this occurs in a node/express app and I'm using dse-driver as the client driver.
The CQL command worked like below,
SELECT JSON * FROM mytable WHERE userid="1";
However if it has to be executed via the dse-driver then the below snippet worked,
let query = 'SELECT JSON * FROM mytable WHERE userid = ?';
client.execute(query, ["1"], { prepare: true });
where client is,
const dse = require('dse-driver');
const client = new dse.Client({
contactPoints: ['h1', 'h2'],
authProvider: new dse.auth.DsePlainTextAuthProvider('username', 'pass')