Goal: Convert JS Date Object to a String representation in the format of "11/2/2017" in a NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 scheduled script.
I have a date object that I need to use for 2 purposes. In one, I am going to use it for comparisons (so I want the actual date object). The other is I want it to be the name of a Custom Record, ie a string value.
I am doing this in NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 (Javascript) in a Scheduled Script. The toString() of the date right now is: "2017-11-02T07:00:00.000Z". The format I want to end up with for the name is 11/2/2017.
When I test toLocaleDateString() in a browser test app, I get 11/2/2017 - the exact format I want. However, when I sue this same thing in SuiteScript 2.0 I get "November 2, 2017". I know there is a difference between client/server but this was frustrating.
I tried the format.parse() function as NetSuite's documentation claims that this is the equivalent to the 1.0 nlapiDateToString() function. This did not work.
Besides writing my own function (which I am tempted to do), does anyone know how to accomplish this goal?
To switch over to that format you would not use format.parse, you would use format.format. Here is a simple example of converting a date object to that string format.
function formatDate(testDate){
log.debug('testDate: '+testDate);
var responseDate=format.format({value:testDate,type:format.Type.DATE});
log.debug('responseDate: '+responseDate);
var testDate=new Date();