I use the jqgrid free version. I need to send an extra parameter along with the edit callback using inline editing.
This is my code but the extra parameters are not getting to the servlet.
$("#csstsoplacardarrangmentlist").jqGrid ('inlineNav',"#csstsoplacardarrangmentlistpager",
{editParams: {editRowParams:{keys: true, extraparam: {quickfillflag:$('.quickfillflag2').prop("checked")}}}});
The code which you included in your question contains property extraparam
with the value {quickfillflag:$('.quickfillflag2').prop("checked")}
. The object will be initialized once during executing of inlineNav
. Additionally you use editRowParams
property, which is unknown. You should place properties of inline editing directly under editParams
If I correctly understand your problem then the problem will be solved by usage quickfillflag
defined as function:
{ edit: true, add: false },
editParams: {
keys: true,
extraparam: {
quickfillflag: function () {
return :$('.quickfillflag2').prop("checked");
Additionally I'd recommend you to specify the options of inline editing inside of inlineEditing
option of jqGrid. After that you can reduce the option of inlineNav
. For example, you can use jqGrid options
inlineNavOptions: {
edit: true,
add: false
inlineEditing: {
keys: true,
extraparam: {
quickfillflag: function () {
return :$('.quickfillflag2').prop("checked");
and to use inlineNav