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Why is my wc implementation giving wrong word count?

Here is a small code snippet.

 while((c = fgetc(fp)) != -1)
        cCount++; // character count
        if(c == '\n') lCount++; // line count
            if(c == ' ' && prevC != ' ') wCount++; // word count
        prevC = c; // previous character equals current character. Think of it as memory.

Now when I run wc with the file containing this above snippet code(as is), I am getting 48 words, but when I use my program on same input data, I am getting 59 words.

How to calculate word count exactly like wc does?


  • You are treating anything that isn't a space as a valid word. This means that a newline followed by a space is a word, and since your input (which is your code snippet) is indented you get a bunch of extra words.

    You should use isspace to check for whitespace instead of comparing the character to ' ':

    while((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
        if (c == '\n')
        if (isspace(c) && !isspace(prevC))
        prevC = c;