I am creating my first Restful web service with Embedded Jetty with authentication and authorization and I have a filter in which I would like to inject a user object (Employee) which then I can retrieve in a service bean using ResteasyProviderFactory.pushContext() the @Context annotation, but whatever I try the object always is null. I would appreciate any kind of help.
public class AuthenticationHandler implements ContainerRequestFilter {
@Inject private PxCredentialService credentialService;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
Response faultresponse = createFaultResponse();
String authorization = requestContext.getHeaderString("Authorization");
String[] parts = authorization.split(" ");
if (parts.length != 2 || !"Basic".equals(parts[0])) {
String decodedValue = null;
try {
decodedValue = new String(Base64Utility.decode(parts[1]));
} catch (Base64Exception ex) {
String[] namePassword = decodedValue.split(":");
Employee emp = credentialService.getCredentialsByLoginAndPass(namePassword[0], namePassword[1], true);
if ( emp != null) {
ResteasyProviderFactory.pushContext(Employee.class, emp);
} else {
throw new NullPointerException("False Login");//requestContext.abortWith(Response.status(401).build());
@Path( "/people" )
public class PeopleRestService implements credentials {
@Inject private PeopleService peopleService;
@Inject private GenericUserRightsUtil genericUserRightsUtil;
@Produces( { "application/json" } )
public Collection<Person> getPeople(@Context Employee emp) {
Employee emp = (Employee)crc.getProperty("Employee");
return peopleService.getPeople( page, 5 );
On my understanding, you want an easy way to identify the user who is performing the request in your resource methods. Have you ever considered setting a SecurityContext
with a Principal
for the request?
In your filter, if the user credentials as valid, do the following
final SecurityContext currentSecurityContext = requestContext.getSecurityContext();
requestContext.setSecurityContext(new SecurityContext() {
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
return new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return username;
public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
return true;
public boolean isSecure() {
return currentSecurityContext.isSecure();
public String getAuthenticationScheme() {
return "Basic";
Your resource method will be like:
public Response foo(@PathParam("id") Long id,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext) {
To get the Principal
, use:
Principal principal = securityContext.getUserPrincipal();
String username = principal.getName();