In Unreal 4, I'm trying to play an animation for a Gun from a Pawn we controlled throught Virtual Reality. I tried making the same animation on a Character that has a skeletalmesh and everything went fine. Now I'm in a Pawn with the same skeletalmesh and the animation isn't playing.
// Function where I trigger the animation
void ASlickBoyMotionControllerPawn::Fire(ASlickBoyMotionController *Current)
// Rest of the code that handle the fire of the gun
// Current is the gun that fires (motion control)
USkeletalMeshComponent* currentMesh = Current->GetHandMesh();
if (currentMesh) {
currentMesh->PlayAnimation(knockBack, false);
currentMesh->PlayAnimation(trigger, false);
class SLICKBOY_API ASlickBoyMotionControllerPawn : public APawn, public IAttackable
// other stuff
// Gun Anim
UAnimSequence *knockBack;
UAnimSequence *trigger;
void Fire(class ASlickBoyMotionController* Hand);
Note that everything compiles and I don't have any error while executing the code
The knockback
sequence will not play, because you are immediately overwriting the animation with trigger
currentMesh->PlayAnimation(knockBack, false);
currentMesh->PlayAnimation(trigger, false);
is a non-blocking call, the code will not wait until knockback
has finished playing before starting trigger
If you want to play two animations consecutively, use an Animation Composite