Trying to handle the content of a reactive form control driven by contenteditable and the help of directive.
Please see the StackBlitz where I'm at currently.
<div class="textarea"
The contenteditable div is working great as a form control and I have its content as I type with:
data => {
exactly as Twitter's tweet-box version?UPDATE:
Here's some sudo logic I would be applying to the contenteditable content as the user types
characters = 'Lorem ipsum dolor... ' (about 200 characters for testing)
inLimit = characters.substring(0, 140);
outLimit = characters.substring(141);
tagged = '<em>' + outLimit + '</em>';
final = inLimit + tagged;
console.log(final); // over the limit characters wrapped in <em> tag
That was quite fun :) See result . It still have some weird bug with jumping cursor after first application and characters count once you added value then cleared it and try adding again starting from the point when 0 characters left, but when I debugged it I realized that stackblitz itself changing code slightly, so I believe it should work fine under normal conditions.
Main trick was to use proper propValueAccessor, see