In previous versions of angular, or other SPA frameworks, navigations used to use "#"
in the URL to move from a page to another without make another request to the server.
Today, using Angular 4 routes, I notice that the URL was rewritten without any request to the server. for instance
. It seems very strange to me.
If my SPA is served from a
, a request to
should have a side effect bring a totally diferente page (for instance about/index.hmtl
), not a route inside the index.html
Change URL without redirect to the address in the URL seems to violate something.. dont?
How Is that possible in Angular 4 using only client side?
Change URL without redirect to the address in the URL seems to violate something.. dont?
No, that's the point of Single Page Applications (SPA) as opposed to the other way where a request is sent to the server for each URL change.
Angular router has two location strategies:
navigations used to use "#" in the URL to move from a page to another without make another request to the server.
It's still possible now with Angular by using HashLocationStrategy
, to do that just use {useHash: true}
do the following:
imports: [
RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes, {useHash: true})
Today, using Angular 4 routes, I notice that the URL was rewritten without any request to the server
That's because the PathLocationStrategy
is used by default.
Regardless of the strategy, if you're using Angular routing, all URL changes from the application will be handled by the router and no requests will be sent to the server. For example, the following code:
in the case of PathLocationStrategy
will generate the following URL:
and in the case of HashLocationStrategy
it will generated ULR like this: