I'm trying to work with ebay Api, They say you should only at max 18 threads for processing requests + Handle retries.
So I'm trying to make a wrapper that will execute all my ebay commands.
the problem is that I have a lot of different types of requests to ebay, with different number of parameters, So I'm trying to understand how to send them all to my wrapper and get the result I need.
Maybe this is not the best way to accomplish this at all, I'm un certain about how to implement this.
private static SemaphoreSlim sem = new SemaphoreSlim(18);
private static int retryCount = 2;
public static async Task<T> RunTask<T, V>(Func<V, T> ebayAction, V param1)
// Wait the semaphore.
await sem.WaitAsync();
int currentRetry = 0;
for (; ; )
// If response failed try again.
return await Task.Run(() => ebayAction(param1));
catch (Exception e)
if (currentRetry >= retryCount)
throw e;
Example usage:
private List<ProductData> SearchItems(string keyword)
return EbayApiRequestFactory.Create<EbayFindApiRequest>()
List<ProductData> searchProducts = await EbayHandler.RunTask(SearchItems, keyword);
I'd change your wrapper signature as follows:
async Task<TResult> RunTask<TResult>(Func<TResult> ebayAction)
And run it as
RunTask(() => SearchItems(keyword));
If you have another method with another number of arguments:
RunTask(() => SearchItems(keyword, argument2, argument3));
You can add more overloads if necessary, like:
// some action which does not return result
static async Task RunTask(Action ebayAction)
// some function which is already asynchronous so you don't need
// to wrap it into Task.Run
static async Task<TResult> RunTask<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> ebayAction)