I want to draw two fish using Vector Markup Laguage (VML).
The mouth of one of them is open and the mouth of the other one is closed.
The fish that I want to draw are something like the following pictures:
Picture of fish with a closed mouth
[![Picture of a fish with an open mouth][۲]][۲]
By the way, sorry if the pictures are not displayed. I uploaded the pictures, but when I posted my question, the pictures weren't displayed in the question's text.
I finally succeeded to draw a fish using VML.
This is the code that I used:
<div style="position:absolute;left:200;top:200;" id="fish">
<!-- The fish outline -->
<v:line strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" from="71,0" to="0,71"></v:line>
<v:line strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" from="0,71" to="71,142"></v:line>
<v:line strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" from="71,0" to="191,120"></v:line>
<v:line strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" from="71,142" to="191,22"></v:line>
<!-- The fish's "belt" -->
<v:arc style="width:40;height:142;position:absolute;left:48;top:0;" startangle="20" endangle="160" strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px"></v:arc>
<!-- The fish's eye -->
<v:oval strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" style="width:25;height:35;position:absolute;left:50;top:27;"></v:oval>
<v:oval fillcolor="black" style="width:10;height:15;position:absolute;left:55;top:40;"></v:oval>
<!-- The fish's tail -->
<v:arc strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" startangle="0" endangle="85" style="rotation:46;flip:y;width:45;height:100;position:absolute;left:134;top:35"></v:arc>
<v:arc strokecolor="black" strokeweight="1px" startangle="0" endangle="85" style="rotation:46;width:45;height:100;position:absolute;left:134;top:7"></v:arc>
I put the VML elements that I used to create the fish within a DIV element. But I didn't put them within a v:group element. Because if I do so, the fish is not displayed on my program's window. I don't know why.