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jquery and cookie status

What i'm trying to do is have a sidebar toggle open and close which is working fine but I also want cookie to remember the sidebar state when browsing site and when returning to page its on

ie: if closed be closed if open be open:

$(document).ready(function($) {
$('a#side').text($(this).text() == 'Show' ? 'Hide' : 'Show');
  $.cookie('side_cookie', 'value');
 return false;
if($.cookie('side_cookie')) { 
   } else {

The current code above just remembers if its been closed and stays closed until session is ended and so you have to toggle it open each time you return to page ...

An example of what im trying to achieve can be seen at if you close their sidebar then browse the forums when you go back to main page its still closed and visa versa.

any help is appreciated


  • Ok thx guys but I got it sorted, its alot more code then I wanted as its alot of .show()/.hide() rather then .toggle() buts it works sofor now it will do:

      $.cookie('side_cookie_hidden', 'hidden');
      $.cookie('side_cookie_show', null);
     return false;
      $.cookie('side_cookie_show', 'show');
      $.cookie('side_cookie_hidden', null);
     return false;
    if($.cookie('side_cookie_hidden')) { 
       } else {