Create a nested node
var app = gun.get('app');
var node = app.get('watcher/1').put({"stats":{"num":3},"name":"trex"});
Listen to updates
app.get('watcher/' + id).get('stats').on(function (v, k) {
console.log('v:', v);
console.log('k:', k);
Get the update on web page load (the devtools console output)
(index):62 v: {"_":{"#":"j9782ilz019k9aUsJJj5c8Q5O",">":{"num":1508946976437}},"num":3}
(index):63 k: stats
Update the node
No updates in the console!
jsfiddle demo:
@trex this was a bug you found, and is now fixed in v0.8.9