I have a web3 contstant look like this.
const test = contract_instance.methods.getPost(15).call().then(console.log);
This returns results like this.
Result {
'0': '2017-08-28',
'1': '19:18:04.986593',
'2': '07:17:00',
'3': '11112323',
'4': '12',
date: '2017-08-28',
login_time: '19:18:04.986593',
logout_time: '07:17:00',
login_device_id: '11112323',
user_id: '12' }
Now when i want to console single tag through console.log(test[0]); this returns undefined My approach is to store every result tag in its individual variable. Need some suggestion.
takes a function as argument that is called on fulfillment of the promise. You can then add the value to an array for example:
var results = []
would then be the result object you are looking for and results[0]['0']
would give you the date '2017-08-28' for example.