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Can I use Apache Tomcat 7 with servlet api 2.5

There is a leak with tomcat 6, so I am upgrading to tomcat 7.082 which uses servlet api 3.0.

I have deployed the war file which uses servlet 2.5 to Apache tomcat 7.0.82. the app is running is fine and i do not see any immediate issues.

so my question is, is it OK to do this? I will eventually be rolling out this change to production...


  • Tomcat 7 will run a Servlet 2.5 application just fine. The biggest thing is to make sure your web.xml specifies the version. So, for your example, it would look something like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns=""

    This tells the container (Tomcat in this case) that this web application follows the Servlet 2.5 spec.