I migrated to Endpoints Framework 2.0 and it works locally but when I deploy to App Engine my endpoints API doesn't seem to work.
I'm supposed to be able to view my API using the explorer:
But when I open this page, there is an error in the backend:
/_ah/api/discovery/v1/apis : java.lang.NullPointerException at com.google.api.server.spi.EndpointsServlet.service(EndpointsServlet.java:71)
The API doesn't seem to work and opening the backend's webpage (index.html) gives the same error. I can't debug this because "EndpointsServlet.java" isn't part of my source code. How can I see the source for EndpointsServlet.java so I can debug this error? (All this used to work before migrating to Endpoints Framework).
Thanks to tyczj. Frameworks v2 must be deployed manually via gradle by running:
In Android Studio, you can open the gradle sidebar and double-click :backend:Run Configurations:[appengineDeploy]
After doing this everything works.