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QT QThread::isrunning freeze program on Pi

I'm testing a programm on my PI.When running it on the host pc no error is shown, instead , running it on pi (CM3) it freezes.

I'm trying to use multithreading.

From the main thread, in the constructor an QThread is started, then when I click on the button to open a new form the GUI freezes. In the button slot I need to check if the serial_works thread has been started in the constructor has finished before opening a new form, so I added a QThread::isRunning() check;

Main_Form::Main_Form(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Main_Form)
    this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);         
    *serial_works = new SerialWorks();

void Main_form::open_form(){
std::cout<<"open form slot"<<std::endl;
int i = 0;
    if(i > 10){
Next_form *frm = new Next_form();

the run method in the Serial_works class is

void Serial_works::run() {

void Serial_works::my_function(){
  ....stuff on serial
  std::cout<<"serial works finished"<<std::endl;

on the output i get

 //serial works finished

no WHILE is printed out on the console,thus the program get stuck on the while check


Where is the problem? On the the host pc, the new form opens as expected.


  • You are trying to use QThread without understanding what is this object doing. What you want to do is asynchronous execution : Do some work and when you are done let me know.

    Edit : What is Happening :

    • Client : main thread executes open_form before the worker executes run
    • Rasberry Pi : worker executes run before main thread executes open_form

    On PI

    1. serial_works->start() launch worker, which execute first, and complete my_function.
    2. worker call this->terminate() and is now officially dead. terminate is a brutal way of stopping a QThread..I cannot even speculate whether wait() is called.
    3. The main thread execute open_form, and the worker is already non-runnable. So the loop is not executed and Next_form is never going to be shown.

    Error 1 :


    is executing in the gui thread, and you are sleeping on a event. This is always incorrect. You GUI will freeze for the amout of time you are sleeping. Use signals and slots or events.

    Error 2 :

    Serial_works is likely a subclass of Qthread. You are confusing a thread of execution with the object managing that thread. You should not subclass QThread.


    The worker thread is executing that code. You are killing yourself then waiting on your death. So depending on the implementation you may wait forever , crash, etc....

    What you need to do : Use QFuture and QFutureWatcher.

    //inside Main_Form
    QFutureWatcher<ReturnValueType> watcher;
    void Main_form::open_form(){
        // Instantiate the objects and connect to the finished signal.
        connect(&this->watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), &this, SLOT(SignalWorkFinished()));
        // Start the computation.
        QFuture<ReturnValueType> future = QtConcurrent::run(stuffOnSerialFunction);
    // now handle work finish
    void SignalWorkFinished()
       QFuture<ReturnValueType> future = watcher.future();
       //do whatever you like