I Have a service method that returns a ResponseEntity<List<Attachment>>
and its hystrix fallback
method must also return a ResponseEntity<List<Attachment>>
The problem is that I need to return a String message that clarifies the error to the user instead of returning a new Arraylist<>()
- Here is my method
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getAttachmentsFallback")
public ResponseEntity<List<AttachmentDto>> getAttachments(IAttachable entity) {
List<AttachmentDto> attachments = client.getAttachments(entity.getAttachableId(), entity.getClassName(),
return new ResponseEntity<List<AttachmentDto>>(attachments, HttpStatus.OK);
And that's its fallback
public ResponseEntity<List<AttachmentDto>> getAttachmentsFallback(IAttachable entity, Throwable e) {
//I need to return a String instead of the new Arraylist<AttachmentDto>()
return new ResponseEntity<List<AttachmentDto>>(new ArrayList<AttachmentDto>(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
I Made it work by doing ResponseEntity
with no args instead of ResponseEntity<List<AttachmentDto>>
Thanks guys