Consider grammar : E-> E+E|E-E|E*E|E/E|(E)|id
I have tried at least 5 hours to solve this problem but failed. Please tell me,
what is the idea to solve this problem?
How to implement this?
The syntax tree is built by parsing, which is in some sense applying the grammar in reverse. So you see that a, b, and c can only come from id which in turn can only come from E. Now you are at E+E*E. You can either reduce the E+E first or the E*E, then the other. The resulting E is the root of the tree. One of the two possible syntax trees (the one reducing first E*E) is this
/| \
E + E
| /|\
id E * E
| | |
a id id
| |
b c
About the implementation, you would have to specifiy where and to what end you want to implement this.