I'm trying to learn to convert EBNF to C# code.
Sample: int <ident> = <expr>
I understand its saying "The variable (ident) of this data type (int) takes in (=) a whole number (expr), but what I don't understand is how to convert it to this:
From Ast class
public class Int : Stmt
public string Ident;
public Expr Expr;
From Parser class
else if (this.tokens[this.index].Equals("int"))
Int Integer = new Int();
if (this.index < this.tokens.Count &&
this.tokens[this.index] is string)
Integer.Ident = (string)this.tokens[this.index];
throw new System.Exception("expected variable name after 'int'");
if (this.index == this.tokens.Count ||
this.tokens[this.index] != Scanner.EqualSign)
throw new System.Exception("expected = after 'int ident'");
Integer.Expr = this.ParseExpr();
result = Integer;
From CodeGen class
#region INTEGER
else if (stmt is Int)
// declare a local
Int integer = (Int)stmt;
this.symbolTable[integer.Ident] = this.il.DeclareLocal(this.TypeOfExpr(integer.Expr));
// set the initial value
Assign assign = new Assign();
assign.Ident = integer.Ident;
assign.Expr = integer.Expr;
Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to properly understand how to convert this?
Why not use a compiler compiler like AntLR? It does it automatically, and faster :)