Hi Guys I have started building my first project using Laravel,
I have done a crash course on Laracast, learnt hasMany and belongTo however I am stuck at where I have categories which yet don't have any products. I don't have any sub categories I only want to show the categories which has some products and hide the empty one
So far I am getting my categories like this
$stocksCats = stockscat::isLive()->where('status', '=', 1);
my stocks class has looks like this
namespace App;
//use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class stock extends Model
public function scopeisLive($query) // With Scope
return $query->get();
public function stockcat()
return $this->belongsTo(stockscat::class);
public function stockgallery()
return $this->hasmany(stockgallery::class);
and my stocks cat class looks like this
namespace App;
// use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class stockscat extends Model
public function scopeisLive($query) // With Scope
return $query->get();
public function stocks()
return $this->hasmany(stock::class);
Laravel provides a has()
method (See docs) to check if an eloquent has a relationship. The following code snippet should be the solution:
$stocksCats = stockscat::isLive()->has('stocks')->where('status', '=', 1);