I created a crs leaflet map and I'm trying to set its maxbounds to the bounds of the crs image. When I add the maxbounds attr there are three leaflet events that keep firing infinitely which cause the map to move infinitely. These are the events:
This is my code. I'm using leaflet angular directive
angular.module('pyvMap').controller('mainCtrl', [ '$scope', 'leafletData', 'leafletBoundsHelpers', function($scope, leafletData, leafletBoundsHelpers) {
var mapMinZoom = 2;
var mapMaxZoom = 6;
var maxBounds = leafletBoundsHelpers.createBoundsFromArray([[0,241.59375], [-132.65625, 0]]);
angular.extend($scope, {
defaults: {
maxZoom: mapMaxZoom,
minZoom: mapMinZoom,
zoomControl: false,
crs: 'Simple',
attributionControl: false,
detectRetina: true,
tileLayer: "http://d30jy4vw1d2n56.cloudfront.net/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
tileLayerOptions: {
minZoom: mapMinZoom,
maxZoom: mapMaxZoom,
// bounds: maxBounds,
opacity: 0.9,
// reuseTiles: true,
continuousWorld: true,
noWrap: true,
crs: 'Simple',
detectRetina: true,
center: {
zoom: 2
maxBounds: maxBounds
<leaflet center="center" maxBounds="maxBounds" defaults="defaults"></leaflet>
Once width
and height
attributes are added to the <leaflet>
tag as required, your issue does not look reproducible, whether using Leaflet version 0.7.7
or 1.2.0