I'm new to Visual Studio Code. I want to define the output directory in my csproj. I don't know where to change in Visual Studio Code the destination folder to locate the dll files generated.
VSCode uses dotnet CLI and particularly for building the dotnet build command. Among others, it has the following option
-o|--output <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>
Directory in which to place the built binaries.
Assuming your building task is defined in .vscode/tasks.json
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"taskName": "build",
"command": "dotnet build",
You may add -o
arg with the desired path. For example, change to:
"command": "dotnet build -o ${workspaceRoot}/bin/another_Debug/",
where ${workspaceFolder}
is one of VSCode predefined variables:
${workspaceFolder} the path of the workspace folder that contains the tasks.json file