How do I write this elasticsearch match query to C# .net NEST.
GET /disney2/character/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"name.phonetic": {
"query": "Jahnnie Smeeth",
"operator": "and"
Using objecting initializer syntax:
ConnectionSettings _clientSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200/disney2"));
var client = new ElasticClient(_clientSettings);
var query = new SearchRequest<disney>(); // You're going to want to replace <object> with a model corresponding to your type, or specify the type via string
var matcher = new MatchQuery();
matcher.Field = "name.phonetic";
matcher.Query = "Jahnnie Smith";
matcher.Operator = Operator.And;
query.Query = matcher;
//var res = elasticClient.Search<disney>(query);
var res = client.Search<disney>(query);