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Why does the register in x86-assembly (r)si get moved into itself if I try to point it to a label?

I want to write a bootloader, which simply prints "Hello World!" on the screen and I don't know why my bytes get mixed up. I'm trying to write it in AT&T syntax (please don't recommend Intel syntax) and trying to convert the code from this tutorial to AT&T syntax.

Now here is the rather short code for my bootloader:

.code16         #real mode
.org 0x0
.globl _main
    movw hello, %si
    movb $0x0e, %ah

    or %al, %al     #is al==0 ?
    jz halt         #if previous instruction sets zero flag jump to halt
    int $0x10       #run bios interrupt 0x10 (ah is set to 0x0e so a character is displayed)
    jmp loophere


hello:  .ascii "Hello world!\0"

    .fill (510-(.-_main)),1,0   #I hope this works. Fill bootloader with 0's until byte 510

    .word 0xaa55

Now if I compile this with

$as -o boot.o
$ld -Ttext 0x07c00 -o boot.elf boot.o
$objcopy -O binary boot.elf boot.bin

the following command

$objdump -d boot.elf

gives me this dissassembly

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000007c00 <_main>:
    7c00:   8b 36                   mov    (%rsi),%esi
    7c02:   11 7c b4 0e             adc    %edi,0xe(%rsp,%rsi,4)

0000000000007c06 <loophere>:
    7c06:   ac                      lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al
    7c07:   08 c0                   or     %al,%al
    7c09:   74 04                   je     7c0f <halt>
    7c0b:   cd 10                   int    $0x10
    7c0d:   eb f7                   jmp    7c06 <loophere>

0000000000007c0f <halt>:
    7c0f:   fa                      cli    
    7c10:   f4                      hlt    

0000000000007c11 <hello>:
    7c11:   48                      rex.W
    7c12:   65 6c                   gs insb (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
    7c14:   6c                      insb   (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
    7c15:   6f                      outsl  %ds:(%rsi),(%dx)
    7c16:   20 77 6f                and    %dh,0x6f(%rdi)
    7c19:   72 6c                   jb     7c87 <filloop+0x69>
    7c1b:   64 21 00                and    %eax,%fs:(%rax)

0000000000007c1e <filloop>:

0000000000007dfe <end>:
    7dfe:   55                      push   %rbp
    7dff:   aa                      stos   %al,%es:(%rdi)

if I hexdump it (you can also see the bytes in the disassembly above) my first 6 bytes are

8b 36
11 7c b4 0e

compared to be 10 7c b4 0e from the tutorial (The rest of the hexdump is exactly the same down to the byte). Now I understand that ac is the instruction for lodsb (loadstringbyte) so b4 0e would have to load 0e into %ah and be 10 7c would have to point %si to the hello label at address 7c10 (be aware of little endian). I changed the corresponding bytes with a hex editor and it suddenly worked. Allthough the disassembly kinda mixed it up like this:

0000000000007c00 <_main>:
    7c00:   be 10 7c b4 0e          mov    $0xeb47c10,%esi
    7c05:   ac                      lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al

My original version just printed a capital 'S'. Can someone help me as to why these first instruction bytes get set differently?

I'm coding all this on Debian 9 64-bit and running it on qemu-system-x86_64 as a floppy.


  • If you want to decode instructions as 16-bit then you need to tell OBJDUMP with the -Mi8086 option. Since you created a 64-bit object with AS and LD it decoded as 64-bit instructions by default. -M overrides that. i8086 is 16-bit instruction decoding.

    Many of the problems in your code are related to not setting up the segment registers properly including DS. I discuss many of these issues in my Bootloader Tips. As well in AT&T syntax requires a $ in front of labels if you want their address (an immediate operand). movw hello, %si should be movw $hello, %si. Alternatively you can use LEA that takes a memory operand and just computes the address (but does't retrieve the data). In that case you don't use a $ sign. leaw hello, %si should also work.

    When using INT 10h/AH=0Eh you should set BH which is the page number to display to. 0 is the visible page.

    With all this in mind this code should work:

    .code16         #real mode
    .globl _main
        xor  %ax, %ax      # We  are usin offset 0x7c00, thus we need to se segment to 0x0000
        mov  %ax, %ds
        mov  %ax, %es
        mov  %ax, %ss      # Set the stack to grow down just below bootloader
        mov  $0x7c00, %sp
        cld                # Ensure forward movement of lods/movs/scas instructions
        movw $hello, %si   # We want the address of hello, not what it points at
        #leaw hello, %si   # Alternative way to get address with LEA instruction.
        movb $0x0e, %ah
        xor  %bh, %bh      # Make sure video page number is set (we want 0)
        or %al, %al     #is al==0 ?
        jz halt         #if previous instruction sets zero flag jump to halt
        int $0x10       #run bios interrupt 0x10 (ah is set to 0x0e so a character is displayed)
        jmp loophere
    hello:  .ascii "Hello world!\0"
        .fill (510-(.-_main)),1,0   #I hope this works. Fill bootloader with 0's until byte 510
        .word 0xaa55