The following program takes 10s to compile. When I change the parenProcess
rule below to '(' >> process >> ')'
the compiler spends CPU but does not seem to finish. (I tried making a smaller reproducible program -- by removing rules between the process
and parenProcess
, but then the compile time no longer exploded).
How do I fix the compile (time) when embedding process
(Minor other question: is there a nicer way to make rule 'x' and 'xActual'?)
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace wccs_parser {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace ascii = x3::ascii;
using x3::long_;
using x3::ulong_;
using x3::lexeme;
//--- Ast structures
struct AstChannel {
std::string label;
bool complement;
struct AstAction {
AstChannel channel;
uint32_t weight;
struct AstRenaming {
std::string from;
std::string to;
struct AstNullProcess;
struct AstActionPrefixProcess;
struct AstChoiceProcess;
struct AstCompositionProcess;
struct AstRestrictionProcess;
struct AstRenamingProcess;
struct AstConstantProcess;
using AstAnyProcess = x3::variant<
struct AstNullProcess {};
struct AstActionPrefixProcess {
AstAction action;
AstAnyProcess subProcess;
struct AstChoiceProcess {
std::vector<AstAnyProcess> subProcesses;
struct AstCompositionProcess {
std::vector<AstAnyProcess> subProcesses;
struct AstRestrictionProcess {
AstAnyProcess subProcess;
std::vector<std::string> labels;
struct AstRenamingProcess {
AstAnyProcess subProcess;
std::vector<AstRenaming> renamings;
struct AstConstantProcess {
std::string processName;
} // End namespace
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstChannel, label, complement)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstAction, channel, weight)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstRenaming, from, to)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstActionPrefixProcess, action, subProcess)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstChoiceProcess, subProcesses)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstCompositionProcess, subProcesses)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstRestrictionProcess, subProcess, labels)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstRenamingProcess, subProcess, renamings)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(wccs_parser::AstConstantProcess, processName)
namespace wccs_parser {
//--- Rules
auto const constantName = x3::rule<struct constantRule, std::string> {"constantName"} =
x3::lexeme[ascii::upper >> *(ascii::alnum)];
auto const label = x3::rule<struct labelRule, std::string> {"label"} =
x3::lexeme[ascii::lower >> *(ascii::alnum)];
auto const channel = x3::rule<struct channelRule, AstChannel> {"channel"} =
label >> x3::matches['!'];
auto const action = x3::rule<struct actionRule, AstAction> {"action"} =
'<' >> channel >> ',' >> ulong_ >> '>';
auto renamingPair = x3::rule<struct renamingPairRule, AstRenaming> {"renamingPair"} =
label > "=>" > label;
x3::rule<struct processRule, AstAnyProcess> process{"process"};
auto const nullProcess = x3::rule<struct nullProcessRule, AstNullProcess> {"nullProcess"} = '0' >> x3::attr(AstNullProcess());
auto const constant = x3::rule<struct constantRule, AstConstantProcess> {"constant"} = constantName;
/// HERE:
auto const parenProcess = '(' > nullProcess > ')';
auto const primitive = x3::rule<struct primitiveRule, AstAnyProcess> {"primitive"} =
| nullProcess
| constant;
auto const restrictionActual = x3::rule<struct restrictionActual, AstRestrictionProcess> {"restrictionActual"} =
primitive >> '\\' >> '{' >> label % ',' >> '}';
auto const restriction = x3::rule<struct restrictionRule, AstAnyProcess> {"restriction"} =
primitive >> !x3::lit('\\')
| restrictionActual;
auto const renamingActual = x3::rule<struct renamingActualRule, AstRenamingProcess> {"renamingActual"} =
restriction >> '[' >> renamingPair % ',' >> ']';
auto const renaming = x3::rule<struct renamingRule, AstAnyProcess> {"renaming"} =
restriction >> !x3::lit('[')
| renamingActual;
x3::rule<struct actionPrefixingRule, AstAnyProcess> actionPrefix{"actionPrefix"};
auto const actionPrefixActual = x3::rule<struct actionPrefixActualRule, AstActionPrefixProcess> {"actionPrefixActual"} =
action > ('.' > actionPrefix);
auto const actionPrefix_def =
| renaming;
auto const compositionActual = x3::rule<struct choiceActualrule, AstCompositionProcess> {"compositionActual"} =
actionPrefix % '|';
auto const composition = x3::rule<struct compositionRule, AstAnyProcess> {"composition"} =
actionPrefix >> !x3::lit('|')
| compositionActual;
auto const choiceActual = x3::rule<struct choiceActualrule, AstChoiceProcess> {"choiceActual"} =
composition % '+';
auto const choice = x3::rule<struct choiceRule, AstAnyProcess> {"choice"} =
composition >> !x3::lit('+')
| choiceActual;
auto const process_def = choice;
auto const entry = x3::skip(ascii::space) [process];
} //End namespace
int main() {
std::string str("0 + (0)");
wccs_parser::AstAnyProcess root;
auto iter = str.begin();
auto end = str.end();
bool r = parse(iter, end, wccs_parser::entry, root);
if (r) {
std::cout << str << std::endl << std::endl << " Parses OK: " << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Parsing failed\n";
if (iter != end) std::cout << "Partial match" << std::endl;
return 0;
This is a known problem. CppEvans (?) on the mailing list claims to have a workaround on a branch, but that branch is far behind and the changes very intrusive, so I can't vet it/vouch for it.
So, the right recourse would be to post on the mailing list in a bid to get the main developer(s) involved, and raise awareness of this stopping issue.
Regardless, without changing the behaviour of your code, you can use a shorthand:
template <typename T> auto rule = [](const char* name = typeid(T).name()) {
struct _{};
return x3::rule<_, T> {name};
template <typename T> auto as = [](auto p) { return rule<T>() = p; };
This will make it much more convenient to write the repetitive Ast coercions:
auto constantName = as<std::string>(x3::lexeme[ascii::upper >> *(ascii::alnum)]);
auto label = as<std::string>(x3::lexeme[ascii::lower >> *(ascii::alnum)]);
auto channel = as<AstChannel>(label >> x3::matches['!']);
auto action = as<AstAction>('<' >> channel >> ',' >> x3::ulong_ >> '>');
auto renamingPair = as<AstRenaming>(label > "=>" > label);
auto nullProcess = as<AstNullProcess>(x3::omit['0']);
auto constant = as<AstConstantProcess>(constantName);
auto parenProcess = '(' > nullProcess > ')';
auto primitive = rule<AstAnyProcess> ("primitive")
= parenProcess
| nullProcess
| constant;
auto restrictionActual = as<AstRestrictionProcess>(primitive >> '\\' >> '{' >> label % ',' >> '}');
auto restriction = rule<AstAnyProcess> ("restriction")
= primitive >> !x3::lit('\\')
| restrictionActual
auto renamingActual = as<AstRenamingProcess>(restriction >> '[' >> renamingPair % ',' >> ']');
auto renaming = rule<AstAnyProcess> ("renaming")
= restriction >> !x3::lit('[')
| renamingActual
auto actionPrefixActual = as<AstActionPrefixProcess>(action > ('.' > actionPrefix));
auto actionPrefix_def = actionPrefixActual | renaming;
auto compositionActual = as<AstCompositionProcess>(actionPrefix % '|');
auto composition = rule<AstAnyProcess> ("composition")
= actionPrefix >> !x3::lit('|')
| compositionActual
auto choiceActual = as<AstChoiceProcess>(composition % '+');
auto choice = rule<AstAnyProcess> ("choice")
= composition >> !x3::lit('+')
| choiceActual
auto process_def = choice;
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(actionPrefix, process)
auto const entry = x3::skip(ascii::space) [process];
Program still runs with same output.