I need to retrieve all contacts subscribed to a contactslist through the mailjet API.
with ContactsList: $ID
retrieve all contacts properties (firstname, name, birthday,..)
And I want thoses properties, but I also need the Email
can take a Fields
argument to list contact fields I want, Email
is not supported :/
with ContactsList: $ID
give me the Email field, but not the properties
with ContactsList: $ID
give me contactsIds, without properties nor Email.
I just want to retrieve all contacts subscribed to a list, with their properties AND their Email.
Can't I achieve that in a single Mailjet API call?
It's not possible to have all email addresses in a list with their contact properties with a single API call.
This is possible through the Mailjet WebUI, when you export the contacts list in .csv -> https://app.mailjet.com/contacts/lists