I can generate a random sequence of numbers in a certain range like the following:
fun ClosedRange<Int>.random() = Random().nextInt(endInclusive - start) + start
fun generateRandomNumberList(len: Int, low: Int = 0, high: Int = 255): List<Int> {
(0..len-1).map {
Then I'll have to extend List
fun List<Char>.random() = this[Random().nextInt(this.size)]
Then I can do:
fun generateRandomString(len: Int = 15): String{
val alphanumerics = CharArray(26) { it -> (it + 97).toChar() }.toSet()
.union(CharArray(9) { it -> (it + 48).toChar() }.toSet())
return (0..len-1).map {
But maybe there's a better way?
Assuming you have a specific set of source characters (source
in this snippet), you could do this:
java.util.Random().ints(outputStrLength, 0, source.length)
Which gives strings like "LYANFGNPNI" for outputStrLength = 10.
The two important bits are
Random().ints(length, minValue, maxValue)
which produces a stream of length random numbers each from minValue to maxValue-1, andasSequence()
which converts the not-massively-useful IntStream
into a much-more-useful Sequence<Int>