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GreenMail not returning BCC recipient addresses

I'm using GreenMail in a test to verify that our application is sending email correctly.

I start GreenMail with:

GreenMail greenMailServer = new GreenMail(new ServerSetup(port, "localhost", ServerSetup.PROTOCOL_SMTP));

I have a separate process that sends the email to the GreenMail SMTP server (this is part of an integration test), so my test code waits for the email with:

long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
// Get the fake mail server and listen for messages
GreenMail mailServer = ITester.getFakeEMail();
while(System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime)  {
     boolean timedOut = !mailServer.waitForIncomingEmail(endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(), 1);
     if(timedOut) {
          throw new TestFailure(lineNumber, "Timed out waiting for email To: '"+to+"' Subject: '"+subject+"' Body: '"+body+"' .");
     for(MimeMessage message : mailServer.getReceivedMessages()) {
          try {
              StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
              // Check who the message is going to
              //Address[] allRecipients = message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC);
              Address[] allRecipients = message.getAllRecipients();

I've tried both the commented out request for Recipients and the getAllRecipients, but I always receive null. I've verified that my application is sending the email to one address in the BCC field.

Any idea why I'm not seeing the recipient email address?


  • I found the answer on this blog:

    The short version is to use a user and get the message from his inbox instead of getting the message from the server as a whole. Then you know it came to that email address.

    GreenMailUser user = mailServer.setUser("", "");
    MailFolder inbox = mailServer.getManagers().getImapHostManager().getInbox(user);
    for(StoredMessage message : inbox.getMessages()) {
       // Verify the messages