I have a folder structure likes this:
is there any way to retrieve all the pdf file's(programmatically) using the "folder1" id?
There is but make sure you don't go insanely deep with your folder structure, you don't want to go through hundreds of folders, hundreds of levels deep.
Here's the code
use Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\FileFolder;
use Concrete\Core\File\FolderItemList;
// First grab the folder object
$folder = FileFolder::getNodeByName('Testing Folder');
if (is_object($folder)) {
$files = [];
// if we have a folder we need to grab everything inside and then
// recursively go through the folder's content
// if what we get is a file we list it
// otherwise if it's another folder we go through it as well
$walk = function ($folder) use (&$files, &$walk) {
$list = new FolderItemList();
$nodes = $list->getResults();
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if ($node->getTreeNodeTypeHandle() === 'file'){
$files[] = $node->getTreeNodeFileObject();
} elseif ($node->getTreeNodeTypeHandle() === 'file_folder'){
// we are done going through all the folders, we now have our file nodes
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo sprintf('%sfile name is %s and URL is %s%s', '<p>', $file->getTitle(), $file->getURL(), '</p>');