So my problem is as follows:
I'm using spring AMQP to connect to a rabbitMQ instance that using SSL. Unfortunately, spring AMQP does not currently support full length amqps URIs and adding support is not high on the priority list (see issue: ). They need to be separated.
The following fields are required in my application.yml to connect:
host: hostname
port: portnumber
username: username
password: password
virtual-host: virtualhost
enabled: true
My VCAP_Services environment for my rabbitMQ instance only provides the virtualhost and the full length uri in the following format: amqps://username:password@hostname:portnumber/virtualhost
Copy and pasting these values into my application.yml is fine for now, but in the long run is not viable. They will need to come from vcap_services.
My @SpringBootApplication has @Beans that initialize a connection to the rabbitMQ instance on startup, so I am looking for a way to parse out the individual values and set them before the application is started.
If you are just interested in reading the properties before your Spring Boot application is initialized, you can parse the yaml file using Spring's YamlPropertiesFactoryBean
before you call
. For example,
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
YamlPropertiesFactoryBean yamlFactory = new YamlPropertiesFactoryBean();
yamlFactory.setResources(new ClassPathResource("application.yml"));
Properties props = yamlFactory.getObject();
String hostname = props.getProperty("spring.rabbitmq.hostname");
..., args);