I am trying to make a request for gapi.client.directory.users.list
with the following parameters:
'customer': 'my_customer',
'maxResults': 100,
'orderBy': 'email'
getting a success result when my account is an admin of the domain. When I do the same request using a non-admin account, it return a 403 result.
I went to https://admin.google.com/AdminHome?chromeless=1#OGX:ManageOauthClients and added the _______.apps.googleusercontent.com as client and https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly as scope. Even this way I got a 403 result.
I saw some 'impersonating' functions in Java and Python... but nothing for Javascript in a browser context, not NodeJS.
Can someone help me to allow the request to list users in admin directory api for common users of my domain?
After some browsing, the parameter viewType is required to allow non-admin users to fetch directory data.
'viewType': 'domain_public',
'customer': 'my_customer',
'maxResults': 100,
'orderBy': 'email'
I found it in the docs: https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/reference/users/list#domain_public after @jay-lee answer: Non-admin read-only access to Google Admin SDK