I want to pass a table as parameter on an ajax callback procedure in Oracle APEX 5, because I need to make an SQL query on that table.
The SQL process is stored as shared component inside the Apex 5 application. Screenshot
My procedure is like this
(procedure name: THIS_PROCESS)
v_tablename varchar(128);--max table_name lenght
v_ID number;
SELECT Columname,
INTO v_somevar
FROM v_tablename
--Do stuff
This code (FROM v_tablename) gives me a compilation error:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 9, column 5: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
I'm a total newbie. I had been reading that I should call that procedure with this javascript:
apex.server.process ( "THIS_PROCESS", {
x02: "Row_ID",
pageItems: "#P1_Item,#P2_Item"
success: function( pData )
// do something here
} );
I do not understand why I should pass x01 and x02 instead of v_tablename and v_ID
Do x01 and x02 automatically are assigned to v_tablename and v_ID?
Here's an example page process THIS_PROCESS
of type "Ajax Callback". Note that you need Dynamic SQL to select from a table name that isn't hardcoded.
v_table varchar2(128) := apex_application.g_x01;
v_id number := apex_application.g_x02;
v_somevar varchar2(100);
v_sql varchar2(4000);
-- validate v_table parameter to avoid sql injection. will throw exception if it fails
select table_name into v_table from all_tables where table_name = v_table;
v_sql := 'SELECT Columname
FROM ' || v_table || '
WHERE ID = :A1';
execute immediate v_sql into v_somevar using v_id;
-- do something with v_somevar
Do be careful with this sort of thing - this design will allow a malicious user to write their own javascript function which can pass any table name that it likes to your procedure.