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Resolve Bean Injection Programmatically

I would like to find a way to elect programmatically a Candidate between different implementation present on the bean factory, at Spring Container Level.

With Profiles I can achieve that simply like this

I Have the following Profiles "CH" and "IT" and I want that if a Bean Profiled with IT is there, then will fallback to default.

Given those classes:

The Default Implementation

public class DefaultMapper {
     public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("Map Default");

The Swiss Implementation

public class SwissMapper extends DefaultMapper {


    public void doSomething() {

        System.out.println("do something swiss");



The Italian Implementation:

public class ItalianMapper extends DefaultMapper {
    public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("do pasta");

Now if I run it with @ActiveProfiles("IT") it throws a NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException, which is fair enough, since the Default is not profiled, and it will be registered without any further attention by the container.

Some Consideration:

if I add @Profile("default") to DefaultMapper this will work until I have another default bean has a subclass profiled ONLY with CH.

Default Implementation of another Bean:

public class DefaultParser {
    public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("Parse Default");

Then the Swiss implementation (No Italian is available, or better said the default fits for Italian):

public class SwissParser extends DefaultParser {
    public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("Ässe Ässe");

Now if I run it with @ActiveProfiles("IT") it throws a No BeanDefinitionException, which is fair enough, but not that fair, since the "default" is not chained as ActiveProfiles and for IT i have no implementation. the CH profile here will work since has a profiled implementation for each default class.

Said That I would like a better way to cover this scenario without:

  • Having to define on the Default Classes such @Profile({"default","IT", "<all other profiles which have NOT a specialized implementation"} , or @Profile("!CH") where I exclude those profiles which have a specialization.
  • @Primary I think is not a solution, because on the DefaultMapper I have to Specialization which will be marked as @Primary and the container doesn't like it at all

Then I would like to solve this where I can decide for ALL the injected Classes, when the resolution of the Beans is ambiguous then I would like to programmatically decide (in container) which implementation I would like to pick. I think an Annotation likewise to @Profile, i.E. @Candidate("CH") will suit compared to a value set in in a i.E. nationality.cantidate=CH. Something like:

public class MyExtension extends UnknowSpringType {
    Object resolveAmbigousDependency(final Context ctx, final Resolution resolution) {
        final List<Class> clazzes = resolution.getResolvedClasses();
        for (final Class clazz : clazzes) {
            if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Candidate.class) && clazz.getAnnotation(Candidate.class).getVaue().equals(candidateApplicationPropertyValue)) {
            return clazz;
        return getDefaultImplementation(clazzes);

I've done in the past Something similar with CDI SPI extension which is elegant, and also I could cover this in another way with @Specializes from CDI, but I cannot find the same easy way on Spring (I don't have so much experience on it), BeanFactory? BeanFactoryPostProcessor?



  • You can mark all your specific Parsers as @Primary this will make sure Spring autowires this one instead of the default one which is not marked as @Primary. When no specific Parsers exist for the chosen profile it will fall back to the non @Primary default component.


    public class DefaultParser {
        public void doSomething() {
            System.out.println("Parse Default");

    public class SwissParser extends DefaultParser {
    public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("Ässe Ässe");