I am using Teechart library to display y axes in the time intervals of 1 second. Chart1.axes.left.increment = 1; helps me to increment the yaxis in the interval of 1. What i need is to lay out dotted lines in between these Solid lines. I want to manually add the line series for dotted lines in time interval of 0.20 seconds. How can I use line series to add dotted lines here.
function draw_TeeChart() {
var w = window.innerWidth, h = window.innerHeight;
// Initialize Teechart[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Chart1 = new Tee.Chart("canvas");
document.getElementById("canvas").style.position = "relative";
document.getElementById("canvas").width= Math.round(0.82*w);document.getElementById("canvas").height= Math.round(0.89*h); //Chart1.bounds.x = Math.round(0.01*w);
Chart1.bounds.x = 14;Chart1.bounds.y= 10;
Chart1.bounds.width = Math.round(chartW*w);Chart1.bounds.height= Math.round(0.88*h);
Chart1.legend.visible = false; Chart1.panel.transparent = true;
Chart1.title.visible = false;Chart1.axes.bottom.title.text = " ";
Chart1.axes.left.increment = 1;
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerTicks.visible = true;
Chart1.axes.bottom.ticks.length = 9;
Chart1.axes.bottom.ticks.stroke.fill = "blue";
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.visible = true;
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.length = 4;
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.count = 4;
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.stroke.fill = "green";
// var dottedLines = Chart1.axes.bottom.increment=.2;
// var increment = 0.20;
// var dottedLines = Chart1.axes.bottom.grid.format.stroke.dash = [5,3];
// var solidLines = Chart1.axes.bottom.increment=1;
// for(increment =0.20;increment<100;increment =increment+0.20){
// if (increment % 1 == 0) {
// Chart1.axes.bottom.increment=1;
// }
// else {
// Chart1.axes.bottom.increment=0.20;
// Chart1.axes.bottom.grid.format.stroke.dash = [5,3];
// }
// }
Chart1.walls.back.format.fill = wallColorCode;
Chart1.walls.back.format.shadow.visible = false;
document.body.style.cursor = "pointer";
document.getElementById("EventCount").value = event_time.length.toFixed(0);
Here an example showing how you could extend the bottom axis adding a new innerGrid
property and using it at drawLabel
var Chart1;
function draw() {
Chart1 = new Tee.Chart("canvas1");
var line1 = Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line());
line1.data.values = [10, 20, 30, 20, 50];
Chart1.legend.visible = false;
Chart1.axes.bottom.setMinMax(0, 5);
Chart1.axes.bottom.increment = 1;
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerTicks.visible = true;
Chart1.axes.bottom.ticks.length = 9;
Chart1.axes.bottom.ticks.stroke.fill = "blue";
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.visible = true;
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.length = 4;
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.count = 4;
Chart1.axes.bottom.minorTicks.stroke.fill = "green";
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerGrid = [];
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerGrid.increment = 0.20;
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerGrid.format = new Tee.Format(Chart1);
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerGrid.format.stroke.fill = Chart1.axes.bottom.grid.format.stroke.fill;
Chart1.axes.bottom.innerGrid.format.stroke.dash = [5, 3];
Chart1.axes.bottom.oldDrawLabel = Chart1.axes.bottom.drawLabel;
Chart1.axes.bottom.drawLabel = function(value, r) {
this.oldDrawLabel(value, r);
var c = this.chart.ctx,
rect = this.chart.chartRect,
f = this.innerGrid.format,
var tmpValue = value + this.innerGrid.increment;
while (tmpValue < value + this.increment) {
tmpX = Chart1.axes.bottom.calc(tmpValue);
if ((tmpX > rect.x) && (tmpX < rect.x + rect.width)) {
c.moveTo(tmpX, rect.y);
c.lineTo(tmpX, rect.y + rect.height);
tmpValue += this.innerGrid.increment;
//draw innerGrid between the axis minimum and the first label. Happens when scrolled
if (value - this.increment <= this.minimum) {
tmpValue = value - this.innerGrid.increment;
while (tmpValue > value - this.increment) {
tmpX = Chart1.axes.bottom.calc(tmpValue);
if ((tmpX > rect.x) && (tmpX < rect.x + rect.width)) {
c.moveTo(tmpX, rect.y);
c.lineTo(tmpX, rect.y + rect.height);
tmpValue -= this.innerGrid.increment;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="http://www.steema.com/files/public/teechart/html5/latest/src/teechart.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body onload="draw()">
<canvas id="canvas1" width="500" height="300">
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